On-Demand Crawling Feature

The On-Demand Crawling Feature is now enabled. It has the functionality to pull prices manually both at the URL and product level. In the case of a product, all URLs inside it will be pulled. There is a maximum limit of 10 URLs which if you exceed it informs you with a toast notification on the bottom left of the page that you should wait for the previous ones to be pulled, while in the case of the product you can only have one at a time, basically, you have to have a clear queue otherwise and in this case, you will have to wait for it to finish.

Here are the benefits of this feature:

Manual Price Pulling: The feature allows users to manually pull prices, giving them more control over the data they want to retrieve. This flexibility is useful when specific data points are required, ensuring accurate and relevant information is obtained.

URL and Product Level Crawling: Users can pull prices at both the URL and product level. This means they can target specific competitors (URLs) or entire product listings. This versatility enables comprehensive data collection based on specific requirements.

Bulk URL Crawling for Products: When pulling prices for a product, the feature automatically fetches prices from all URLs associated with that product. This streamlines the process and saves time, as users don’t have to pull each URL individually.

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