Streamlined Product Import
and Enhanced Skroutz Tracking

We're excited to announce two significant enhancements to our platform, designed to streamline product import and empower users who track Skroutz!

1. Effortless Product Import with Google Merchant XML URLs

For users who choose to track Skroutz, we've simplified the product import process! Simply provide us with your Google Merchant XML URL instead of manually creating an Excel spreadsheet with product data. This expedites account setup and streamlines your entry into our platform.

2. Skroutz MPN Search: EAN Alternative

Recognizing the prevalence of MPNs (Manufacturer Part Numbers) in the Greek market, we've introduced an alternative to EANs for Skroutz tracking. Users can now load their products without requiring EANs for each item. Instead, they can provide MPNs, ensuring a more inclusive and flexible tracking experience.

These enhancements are designed to:

- Save you time and effort: Streamlined product import and flexible Skroutz tracking mean less time spent on manual tasks and more time focused on business growth. - Enhance your Skroutz tracking: With the MPN search option, you can now track a wider range of products, ensuring comprehensive Skroutz coverage. We're committed to providing you with the tools and functionalities you need to succeed. These updates are just the beginning of our continuous efforts to enhance your experience and empower your business. Have questions? Don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for further assistance.

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